Logo Installation

In short

  1. Download and install DuckShop.
  2. Download and install OddItem.
  3. Download and install Vault.
  4. Restart your server.

That's it. :P

Required plugins


OddItem is used for matching item names to IDs. Just pop it in your plugins folder and it should work.


DuckShop uses Vault for economy support. Unless your economy plugin is very obscure, it is likely to be supported.

If you don't have an economy plugin: install Vault anyway. You will still be able to trade items, but obviously money will not work.

Optional bits and pieces

Depending on how you use it, you may need these extra plugins installed too.


Installing a permissions plugin is optional. If you don't install one, the plugin would simply give users reasonable defaults.

For permissions settings, see the permissions reference.

Chest Protection

Currently, Lockette and LWC are supported.

If WorldGuard is installed, DuckShop will check the region's "chest-access" flag before opening the chest.

See Chest linking for more info.